Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Renovation completed

My last light is finally installed. All that's left are some touch up to be done.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 8

Carpentry all done. I finally get to see my floor again. 

My kitchen with the mirror and cabinets 

My tv console 

Bookshelf with movable table 

My room looking a bit bare without bed 

Looking bright

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 7

Carpentry is in at last! Finally looking more like a home than just an empty apartment. 

Shoe cabinet and 'dish rack' which I have no idea what to store yet. 

My bookshelf with movable table. Doors are not up yet and wheels on the table not done.

Working on the table console. A bit too dark to see anything.

Ledge in the DB box for my modem 

Laminate on the bay window completed. 

Monday, October 05, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 6

Another day for electrical work where they installed the rest of the lights.  Too bad I still need to wait for my bedroom light. 

My balcony pendant light 

My ceiling fan

Bedroom sconce lights 

Waiting to see how the carpentry will look when they install them tomorrow. 

The Sorrento - Day 5

Fan was delivered today. Lucky Sam was there to help me receive the delivery. 

And I finally bought my bed! Ended up choosing the silver leg so that it won't look too dark. And it's also higher so Kayla should still be able to go under the bed.

And Sam gave the go ahead for the textured fabric for my headboard.

The Sorrento - Day 4

Mirror was up today. Looks great now. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 3

Didn't get to go down and see the place yesterday so went down to take a quick peek today. 

Progress of day 3. I can see the paint now. Love the Bright Steep color on my wall. They also stained the decking to a dark black color. 

Much prefer this black color to the normal reddish wood color

Wasn't as dark as I expected but I love this color.

Black rims painted, ready for the mirrors. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 2

Painting and planter today! 

No paint to be seen yet as they are only applying the base coat.

Planter is up though. 

Work in progress 

The base

The planter - flushed with the floor 

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Sorrento - Day 1 开工大吉

First day of reno starts today with electrical works. 

Whole place is so dusty but I have lights now!😀 Wasn't expecting that. Thought they would just do the hacking and leave the installation to another day. 

Can't wait to see the rest of the transformation. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The grass is not always greener on the other side

We Singaporeans love to complain about the high cost of our public transportation, we make big hoo-ha when the MRT breaks down and are always comparing to other countries.

When I started travelling to major cities around the world and took their public transport, I realized that how lucky we actually are in Singapore.

Take London and New York for example, they have a very comprehensive Metro/Subway system.
Trains station in these two cities often close for repairs, etc without much notice and you are forced to re-route your travel.  And do you know the cost for each train ride? In New York, each train ride is USD2.75 regardless of the number of stations.  In comparison to Singapore, my entire journey to my office which consists of taking a bus to the interchange to change to a train then another bus to my office only cost me SGD2.38!  In Oslo, a train ride from the city centre to my office easily costs me around SGD7-8 one way. No doubt, Norway is known as the most expensive city in the world with a Mac meal costing SGD15!

After all my travelling, I really appreciate Singapore more.  Singaporeans, learn to appreciate what you have rather than just keep on bitching.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Always listen to your heart

My sixth sense and my heart had told me long ago but I just refused to acknowledged it. I just wanted to cling onto that tiny little bit of hope.

Now without a doubt, I knew I'm right and I feel free now!

Friday, April 03, 2015


It felt so real but then it's just a dream. 

Is it subconsciously  trying to tell me something? 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

And he's gone

Reality has finally set in. Our founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew was cremated today.

It started raining 2 hours before the funeral procession started and got heavier as the time creeped closer. Heaven was crying for a great man and clearing the road for him. I was crying buckets as I watched the funeral telecast. People lined the streets undeterred by the torrential rain. I was very touched and made me wished I was there with them.

So I paid my respect to him in my own way, I stood up for the minute of silence, recited the national pledge and sang the national anthem.

It was the first time I felt the pledge meant something when reciting it. Shortly after the national anthem, the funeral ended and so did the live telecast. I felt a sense of loss, now we really won't get to see Mr Lee anymore. 

I learnt more about him in this week than I ever knew.  What impressed me most was the way he handled the SIA pilot strike issue. It showed he was always prepared and made me realized how lucky we are to have a leader like him. One who doesn't bow to pressure, coo headed and had no qualms about having to make hard decisions. 

Although there were certain policies he implemented that I might not agree with.  He had to do what he had to do as a leader and we do not know if it the outcome might be better if it had been otherwise. 

The love between him and his wife is especially touching.  Guess we never know there was such a soft side of him other than the cold and hard man he appeared to the public. 

Thank you Mr Lee for everything you have done for Singapore.  I have never felt more proud to be a Singaporean. Singapore will always be home to me and I can only hope that we will soon have another great man like you to lead our country. 

RIP Mr Lee. 一路好走!