Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The grass is not always greener on the other side

We Singaporeans love to complain about the high cost of our public transportation, we make big hoo-ha when the MRT breaks down and are always comparing to other countries.

When I started travelling to major cities around the world and took their public transport, I realized that how lucky we actually are in Singapore.

Take London and New York for example, they have a very comprehensive Metro/Subway system.
Trains station in these two cities often close for repairs, etc without much notice and you are forced to re-route your travel.  And do you know the cost for each train ride? In New York, each train ride is USD2.75 regardless of the number of stations.  In comparison to Singapore, my entire journey to my office which consists of taking a bus to the interchange to change to a train then another bus to my office only cost me SGD2.38!  In Oslo, a train ride from the city centre to my office easily costs me around SGD7-8 one way. No doubt, Norway is known as the most expensive city in the world with a Mac meal costing SGD15!

After all my travelling, I really appreciate Singapore more.  Singaporeans, learn to appreciate what you have rather than just keep on bitching.