Thursday, June 20, 2013

Life still goes on even with the haze

Yes I know the haze situation is one of the worse this year. And yes, it hit a high of 371 which is hazardous.

But is there a need for everyone to post about it on FB day after day?

I don't even have desire to go into FB as almost every post is about the haze. 

People, don't you have better things to do than to talk about haze all the time? This is not something within our control. 
Life still goes on irregardless so just get on with your life and hope that we get fresher air soon. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How much worser can it get

This family day seems to be doomed!

First rooming which is finally resolved.
Now the haze is causing me headache again! 

I might need to re-plan the entire program now. 

I just can't wait for the weekend to be over and done with! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Myriads of feelings

I can't sleep last night, so many feelings all coming  over me at the same time. 

Excited and happy in what I heard
Uncertainty and shy in what my next step to take
Fear of losing this chance if I don't grab it
Worry about the future 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Every cloud has a silver lining or not

Today turned out to be the most shitty day I have had this year.

Early in the morning, I received a call from the resort telling me that they do not have enough 1 br for my group. Out of like 120, they only have max of 25 1br available for me.

I was left trying to re-adjust the rooming list and asked people if they can share rooms. More bad news came in the afternoon when they said their 2br are running low too. I was almost on the verge of despair.

I felt worse when in my urgency when I sent out the list to the staff asking them for help if they mind sharing room, I forgot to delete away the personal information. Received feedback from fellow colleagues. Even though they did not bash me, I felt bad though. 

I admit that it was partially my fault for not confirming with them on the number of rooms blocked for each category.

I finally thought of a solution and all I hope is that it will work out just fine in terms of the rooming and that the resort can also helped in terms of costing.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hope that 明天会更好. 

Never will I want to be in family day committee anymore!