Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Received the Dermagic essential kit at last. Have been applying the lotion on Kayla for the past 2 days.

The lotion smells weird, like sulphur, Hopefully can see the results in a week, so that the smell is worth it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

'New' shoe cabinet - DIY

Since it doesn't make sense to buy a new shoe cabinet as our old one is still in good condition even though we really hate the design. My sis came up with a genius idea, pasting wall paper over it so that it look refreshed.

And that's what me and my bro-in-law did today.

Tough job but we were really happy with the result, even my parents said it looked nice. :)

Here's our 'new' shoe cabinet!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

HCF for Kayla

I've decided to try out HCF for Kayla since her skin condition has been taking a turn for the worse. I've tried many things...change her dog food, applying aloe vera, 'snake powder' and still she scratches and she has been losing more hair around her neck.

She loves the new food, every time I was getting ready to steam her food, she was impatient and kept jumping around in the kitchen.

Here's what I've been preparing for her for the past 3 days. Will try and mix some different meat and veggies this weekend. Hopefully her skin will improve. *fingers crossed*

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Damn...recovered last week but falling sick once again.
Itchy throat, sniffling and feverish feeling all at the same time.
What's worse, I have an event tonight, die die also must 'tong' all the way till event end.

Please give me strength to last through the day!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Gelish mani from Skin Repair

I finally remember to make appointment for my manicure which I bought online. I was lucky that they can actually slot me in for today after work although I had to leave work slightly earlier.

I decided to try out this manicure since its located in Holland which is super near my office. When I arrived, I found that Skin Repairs is not purely a nail parlor but rather their main business is facial.

My manicurist was a very nice lady although I didn't think she's very skillful.
And naturally they tried to talk me into signing up package with them. I didn't as I found their colors selection to be rather limited and they are not very creative with their nail designs.

Now I'm frantically to look for a place where I can do my manicure before CNY!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jan boys' birthday dinner

The first of monthly birthday dinners for the next six months. I still dunno why so many of my friends are born between Jan and June.

We went to try out a new place - Chui Xiang Kitchen for the birthday boys, mike and PT. The food was not bad and I might consider coming for reunion dinner with my family.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

JB day trip

I went to JB with no expectation of buying anything and ended with a pair of shoes, 5 bras and 2 dresses! And I told myself I am not going to buy anymore bras. But how can I resist buying when they had 2 pairs going for RM100!

Anyways, we decided to have jap food today for a change. We didn't go to the one Sheng Yee recommend as we saw that it was quiet. So we went to one that's a few shops away.

What a satisfying meal it was...shabu shabu, softshell crabs, curry rice, tempura and teriyaki chicken set. The cost - RM160+.

Friday, January 11, 2013


After 22 years, my piano is finally gone. I felt a bit sad but happy as well since I never play it anymore.

The men were so fast in removing the was out in less than 30 minutes!

It felt a bit weird to see a big empty area where the piano used to stand.

I hope they can restore or make use of my piano and sell it off to someone else more worthy.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

New toys

So excited to get my hands on my new gadgets today. Can't wait to try them out.

Time to get dirty

It was a bit of luck when Carol cancelled our dinner appointment tonight. I ended up at Cajun King with Jac and Shennie.

A totally different dining experience, we were first given a bib like jumbo. No cutlery, we had to use our hands. Our huge Dungeness crab came in this big plastic bag with lotsa sauce in it.

We order buttermilk frog legs, sweet potato fries and the crab. All were equally good, especially the crab, fresh and the sauce was damn good!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Sigh of relief

My 2012 literally ended with a bang and I had to pay up yesterday.
I have not received any phonecall or message from the driver I bumped my car into.
It should be a good sign that he's happy with the repairs and is not planning to demand anything more.

I'm really thankful that he's not a scheming person and seems easy going enough.  I'm still waiting to find out the damage...hopefully small money go out, big money will come in!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

New year new beginnings

Its the second day of 2013 and its back to the grind once again.  I never believe in setting new year resolutions and I decided that I will do so for a change this year.

My resolution - regular exercise (daily early morning yoga, running once a week) and to make The Ropa Shop successful this year!