Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Something sweet for a change

My colleague brought me to her manicurist today.  I'm always at a loss on the design and color whenever I go for manicure. This time round I did some research beforehand to get a feel of what design I wanted. 

I'm very happy with the design and colors. So bright and sweet for a change. 

And the best thing is I only paid $78 for my gel mani and classic pedi, compared to the $100 over I paid last year. 

I already know what design I want for my next visit. :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I miss the pill

After being on the pill for around 3 years, I decided to go off the pill as I don't want to be over reliance on it. 

It's been almost a month since I stopped. And I realized a few things. First, my face seems to be more oily.  By afternoon, I can feel a sheen on my forehead especially, causing my fringe to look oily and as usual, I get breakout on my chin. 😱

Secondly, I feel super bloated during my PMS. Both Jac and Candice said my face looks rounder *gasp* even though I hardly ate much.  What's worse was this morning I wore my usual pants and it felt so tight! I feel so fat!!!! 

And I have yet to see the effect of my cellulite saying bye bye. So tempted to go back to the pill again. 😞 

I just hope I won't have as bad cramps as before! Keeping my fingers crossed!

If not, I might just go back to my little pink pills. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Arrowhead Chips aka Chiku

I never knew that Chiku fruits are available only once a year and that's during CNY period. 

On second thoughts, I realized that I only saw them on sale during CNY. No wonder it's so expensive.  I went online to research and found that you can actually plant this yourself. Hmm...maybe can ask my sis to try that for next year.

For now, I'm going to enjoy my tub of chikus. 

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Day one Borobudur

First holiday of 2014!

After arriving in Yogyarkarta, we took a 2 hr ride to Borobudur. Our hotel Rumah Boedi was located in ulu part of Borobudur, it was lovely though, surrounded by lots of greenery.

After nua-ing in our room for a while, we went to try to see the sunset from the paddy field which is abt 15 min walk away from the hotel. 

We didn't get to see the sunset as the sky was overcast but the weather was beautiful, so cooling and scenery was great. 

With our empty stomach calling, we decided to take the walk to the area near Borobudur for our dinner. Great choice as the food was cheap and delicious, esp the fish which was totally clean after we were done with it! 
After dinner, we had to walk ard 1km back to hotel. The road was pitch dark at some points and we had to use our torch in our camera. The people who saw us must be thinking we three gals are out of our mind! 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Goodbye 2013

Goodbye 2013 - you have been an eventful year. 

A year of adventure and experiences. A year filled with lots of laughter but also of tears. 

A year of learning the importance of something I've always taken for granted and discovering the extend of my strength and vulnerability. 

I never believe in making new year resolutions and I don't plan to make any exception this year.