Friday, July 26, 2013

The cause


I always thought that the fall I had that caused the stitches on my forehead was due to my brother. Turn out that I was so wrong. And perhaps it makes more sense about what the master said.

Apparently when I was around 2 or 3 years old, my dad was carrying me to play around the tomb area behind our old place. Dunno why but I fell and hit my forehead on the tomb. I was bleeding and crying non-stop so my parents quickly sent me to the hospital. 

I was a little spooked when I heard about it. And I was thinking perhaps that's why the spirit saved me. 

Now I'm just curious to find out how things are when we go back to the master after returning from sydney. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I can't believe this happens to me

Ever since my sis told me the master said there's something wrong with my name and asked me to be extremely careful, I've been filled with lots of questions and was feeling a bit paranoid.

So this morning when my sis told me we can go see the master tonight, I immediately said yes. 

When we reached the temple and was waiting for the master, I kept wondering what would he say but I never imagined it would be like this.

I was glad when he told me there's nothing wrong with my name and there's no need to change it. Then he pointed his hands towards sis and me and i have totally no idea what he was trying to say! He also asked me to look at the picture of the Buddha on his table but I have no clue what I should be seeing. 

Apparently my sis can see the diff but not me!

However I was taken by surprise when he asked me if I got into any serious accident when I was young.  The only one I knew was the fall which required stitching on my forehead.

He then began to explained that a spirit actually saved me when I had the accident or else I would not have survived. And that's also the problem as the spirit is not able to reincarnate and thus has to follow me.  And it has possessed my body. He further explained that because of this, I can be fickle minded because there's two mind thinking. And while it did not harm me, sometimes it will 'disturb' me. Which explain the bruises I get sometimes for no reason. 

He told me to go to another temple to pray so that the spirit can be reincarnated. We immediately decided to go to the chenghuang temple so that we can settle this once and for all. We were super lucky as just when we finished praying, it's also time for the temple to close. I was tired by the time I got home man. 

I'm not exactly sure how this will end but I'm supposed to go back to him for another consult 10 days after doing as he instructed.

Do I believe it or not? I'm not exactly sure but I do know that there's no harm doing whatever is needed so long as its supposed to be good for me. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

What a woman should be

女人一定要有钱 , 情妇也会输给你。有一位女性 , 她的父亲曾教她如何当一个女人。她被父亲带到高级俱乐部 , 去看那些女人如何和她的父亲相处。後来 , 她结婚了 , 他的另一半没有情妇 , 只有她一个女人。她学了什么? 她学会了如何打高尔夫 , 如何评监美酒 ; 她学会了温柔聆听 , 学会了表达自己的意见 ; 她学会了摄影 , 学会了舞蹈 ; 她学会让自己高贵美丽 , 学会经营自己的事业。她不取悦男人 , 但男人喜欢她 ; 她不是情妇 , 却叫人难忘。 

 1. 永远不要让任何一个男人成为你生命的全部 , 要懂得投入越多失去越多的道理。 

 2. 不要为任何男人放弃自己的个性 , 其实并不是你迁就他 , 就可以让他觉得你多好 , 恰恰相反 , 男人更喜欢有自己个性的女人。 

3. 千万不可以为了爱情放弃事业。很简单 , 选择爱情 , 一旦爱情没有了 , 你就什么都没有了 ; 选择事业 , 即使爱情没有了 , 可是你还有本事赚钱养活自己 , 还有属于自己的生活。 

4. 不要企图依附男人生活 , 没有人会对寄生虫保持永远的热情。 

5. 不要在生活的细节上计较那么多 , 要知道 , 大部分男人是孩子 , 需要你的照顾。

6. 不要在发现你的爱情没有爱了的时候还固执的坚持 , 有时候 , 放手 , 不光是给他自由 , 还是给自己一条生路。 

7. 不要认为谁离开谁就活不下去 , 要知道 , 你的生命来自父母 , 除了他们 , 没有任何人值得你付出生命的代价 , 而你的父母只会希望你快乐平安。 

8. 不要为任何人打扮自己或把自己搞得不修边幅 , 要每天都把自己装扮的干干净净漂漂亮亮 , 美丽 , 只为自己。 

9. 不要总是用眼泪去打动去挽留 , 有时侯你的眼泪适得其反 , 微笑 , 一定要自信的微笑着面对一切。 

 10. 不要看低自己 , 每个人都有自己的优秀 , 他不懂珍惜 , 就找懂珍惜你的 ; 他不会欣赏 , 就找会欣赏你的 , 错过这一站 , 因为最好的那个在下一站等你。 

11. 女人 ~ 能靠谁呢? 人心会随着时间去改变 , 所以女人该懂得 : 靠山山会倒、靠水水会流、靠人不如靠己。 为自己的青春买单、为自己的幸福买单! 加油吧 , 魅力女人 ~

Monday, July 01, 2013

July will be a better month

Omg, June has got to be the worst month I've ever had in my life. Everything that can go wrong just went totally wrong.

Organizing the family day has to be my worst nightmare!

First the rooming that caused me the the greatest stress.  I made so many apologies for every god damn thing that I can almost do a template out of it.  And just when I thought the rooms were resolved, the haze hit singapore and Malaysia.  I never would have imagined the problems it caused me, definitely not the fact that we might possibly cancel the entire event. By the time the event came, I was totally not looking forward to going Desaru. 

And while i was busy trying to organize the family, they have to decide to do the groundbreaking for the new lab in the week after family day.  The groundbreaking ceremony was another nightmare.  It was super trying to organize a groundbreaking with less than 2 weeks notice.  

I never felt so tired even when i had multiple projects going on back in DHL. The most important I realized is that this company has no good support. Besides my team, the rest of the people just care about their own work. No team work at all.

Thank goodness that everything turned out fine in the end. No major hiccups for both events. And there was a tiny bit of silver lining I saw which kept my spirits up.