Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I can't believe this happens to me

Ever since my sis told me the master said there's something wrong with my name and asked me to be extremely careful, I've been filled with lots of questions and was feeling a bit paranoid.

So this morning when my sis told me we can go see the master tonight, I immediately said yes. 

When we reached the temple and was waiting for the master, I kept wondering what would he say but I never imagined it would be like this.

I was glad when he told me there's nothing wrong with my name and there's no need to change it. Then he pointed his hands towards sis and me and i have totally no idea what he was trying to say! He also asked me to look at the picture of the Buddha on his table but I have no clue what I should be seeing. 

Apparently my sis can see the diff but not me!

However I was taken by surprise when he asked me if I got into any serious accident when I was young.  The only one I knew was the fall which required stitching on my forehead.

He then began to explained that a spirit actually saved me when I had the accident or else I would not have survived. And that's also the problem as the spirit is not able to reincarnate and thus has to follow me.  And it has possessed my body. He further explained that because of this, I can be fickle minded because there's two mind thinking. And while it did not harm me, sometimes it will 'disturb' me. Which explain the bruises I get sometimes for no reason. 

He told me to go to another temple to pray so that the spirit can be reincarnated. We immediately decided to go to the chenghuang temple so that we can settle this once and for all. We were super lucky as just when we finished praying, it's also time for the temple to close. I was tired by the time I got home man. 

I'm not exactly sure how this will end but I'm supposed to go back to him for another consult 10 days after doing as he instructed.

Do I believe it or not? I'm not exactly sure but I do know that there's no harm doing whatever is needed so long as its supposed to be good for me. 

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