Thursday, May 15, 2014

Solo Trip in Europe: Stockholm - Part 2

I woke up feeling fresh and my legs felt better.  Lucky breakfast was provided in the hotel, selection wasn't great but not gonna complain since food is so expensive here.

My plans was to meet Sara at 1pm to watch the guard changing at the Royal Palace. As my stockholm card is valid till 10am. I decided to go to the Ericsson Sky View. 

My first view of the Sky View left me hesitating if I should take it or will it give me motion sickness? 

Ericsson Sky View

I was very nervous when it's time to go into the little capsule. I didn't dare to look up at all. Just kept looking outside. To my relief, it was actually ok. After I'm done with the ride, I took the train back to Gamla Sta and started walking again. 

I met up with Sara and we watched he guard changing. To be honest, it was not very interesting, a waste of time. The best thing was the sun actually came out for a short while!  We then decided to walk over to Sodermalm for lunch. My legs were aching again and I was glad to finally be able to sit down. 

By the time we finished lunch, it started raining again!  So we decided to fika. After fika, I headed back to hotel. I think I'm having a bad blister in my toe. 

The weather in Stockholm has been miserable and I was more than ready to leave. This place is even colder than Oslo even though the temp is higher. The constant rain just made the air much colder. 

The buildings here are much nicer though. And this city is more vibrant. The people in Oslo seems more cultured while the people in Stockholm look more funky. 

Ostermalm - the upscale district in Stockholm

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