Thursday, May 15, 2014

Solo Trip to Europe: Munich - Part 4

The plaster is a miracle! I woke up this morning and I can move my toe without feeling much pain. It felt less swollen too. Thank god as I need to walk a bit today to the Neuschwanstein castle.

I set off for the train station early as I wanted to catch the 8:53am train. Went to the counter to buy my ticket and got all the direction I needed. The only thing I need to do before boarding the train is to validate my ticket. I have less than 10 min to do so and I was trying frantically to find where I can validate the ticket. After asking several times, I finally found it. It was just a small machine while I was expecting someone with a manned counter. 

I got onto the train and It seemed that there were a number of people on the train are also going to the castle from what I overheard.  I felt a bit unprepared as I don't have any map showing how many stops etc.  I prayed hard that the weather would be good since most part of the journey was raining. 

It was relatively easy though with the information I found on the internet. I saw this chinese guy and went to talk to him. Turned out he's from China. We were so awed when we saw the first sight of the castle from the bus. 

I could only booked the 1:25pm English tour. So much time to kill and it started raining again. I decided to go have a hot drink in the cafe to kill time.

When I was warm enough and the sun came out again, I went to walk around the town and finally took a rare photo of myself. 

I took the bus up to the castle. Lucky as the information stated that it will take around 45 min to walk up. No way am I gonna risk hurting my feet again. 
I got off the bus and went to the bridge where you get the best picture of the castle.  Can't wait to go up close. 

There's a bit more walking before reaching the castle and I practically run as it was really close to the tour time but I made it in time.

The tour took about 30 min and we got to see some of the castle such as the king'a bedroom, servant room, etc. It was beautiful, all the paintings and carvings. 

After the tour I made my way back Munich. One day gone just like that.

Tomorrow is the last day and I was wondering if I should go ingolstad village or BMW Welt. In the end I decided to go shopping instead and see if I can make it to Audi museum since it's also in ingolstad. Will leave BMW to next visit. 

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