Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Solo Trip in Europe: Stockholm - Part 1

I've taken a solo trip before but it was to Phuket and so different from this time.

I've done quite a fair bit of research for the trip but once you arrived at the place, you can feel a bit lost.

I was lucky I started my journey from Oslo. At least I'm rather familiar with it now being here twice before. However, the first thing I did when I arrived in Oslo was to check out where the bus terminal was and to buy the bus ticket. 

And so, my trip started when I took the bus from Oslo to Stockholm. Since I already recee the place a few days before, I knew where I was going and was rather confident.

I was expecting comfortable bus like the ones I've taken before from Singapore to KL. When I got onto the bus, I realized I was so wrong, it was like their normal bus. I was planning to sleep on the journey, the purpose of taking an overnight bus. Seat is not too comfy, how am I going to survive the night? 

And the bus is not direct, making a few stops along the way. I tried to sleep but kept waking up because of people alighting and boarding and I wanted to stay alert since I'm alone. 

After almost 8 hours, the bus arrived in Stockholm bus terminal. After I got my luggage, I was thinking shit, which direction should I go? I don't want to appear lost and be a target. So I ended up going into the terminal to ask for direction. I got a general direction and started pulling my luggage along. After walking down 2 streets, I was starting to feel cold and it started drizzling. I started wondering if I might be heading the wrong way since I remembered distinctly that the hotel should be nearer to the terminal. I remembered too late that I can use my phone GPS! How stupid of me!

I found the hotel but the door can't open. Thank god there was a lady smoking outside who offered to use her card to open the door for me. I was super cold and miserable by then.  I was so thankful for the warmth in the hotel. 

Unfortunately I can't check in yet till afternoon. So I left my luggage at the hotel and went out, changing to my warmer jacket. 

I decided to walk to old town but somehow I kept walking and saw durgarden and decided to head there instead. It was probably a mistake, it was a damn far walk and before I got to the bridge that leads to durgarden, it started raining again and I was feeling super super cold and there was no shelter at all along the way. I saw a glimmer of hope when I spotted a cafe right after the bridge, even if it's not open, there is at least sheltered tables where I can sit down and rest my legs. There were people in the cafe! I went in and the staff said they were not really open yet but could get me a coffee. Thank god! A warm drink and a warm place to sit down.  I decided that I'm going to take my time drinking since most venues are not opened till around 10 and it was only 8:30am and still raining. No way am I going out walking in the rain again. 

I managed to get my Stockholm card from the tourist information in the cafe. And I tried to map out the rest of my day so that I can make full use of the card. 

Shortly before 10, the rain became light drizzle and I thought not to waste time and walk to the garden first before going to the museums. I think I walked wrong direction and ended up walking up and down but passed this nice little garden. 

A pretty garden I happened to came across

Haiz, so I ended gg to the Vassa Museet first. It was rather interesting to see the old vessel. Next, I headed to Nordiska Museet which was alright. 

Nordiska Museet

By now, my legs were aching and I was hungry so decided to walk to the food market as recommended. 

More walking, around 15 minutes and I finally got to the Saluhall. I walked around trying to find out what to eat. Finally found a place where they served meatballs! The lemon drink which came free was super nice too. 

I decided to walk back to the hotel to see  if I can check in. More walking again! And  I saw a group of people who seemed to be protesting. Interesting.

Is this a protest?  

After dunno walking for how long, I finally got to the hotel. Lucky they said my room is ready. Hehe...the lift reminded me of the lift in Nic and Shennie's home.

Woah, the hotel room here is damn small, just a small single bed, a little table and that's it. Super basic but can't complain since it has a private bathroom. Guess the hotels here are expensive and small. There's no kettle in the room and you need to pay for hot water! Damn, and I thought I can eat my instant noodle here. 

After resting for a bit, I headed out to the old town again. More walking, I think my legs were gonna break. The old town is rather quaint, reminded me of the place in Seville.  Since I was there, being the smart aleck and trying to maximize my stockholm card, I decided to walk to Sodermalm and visit the Fotografiska.  

Gamla Stan - old town in Stockholm. Very quaint and nice to stroll along.

I was so thankful when I finally got back to my room. End of day one! Yay!  And I made arrangement to meet Sara the next day. 

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