Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Big eyes

Went to touch up my eyebrow and decided to do eyeliner as well. 

Was a bit scared at first but turned out that it only felt itchy. My eyes kept tearing though and took a longer time which became a bit more painful towards the end. 

If you ask me, eyebrow was the pain during the process, the pain goes off after a while. For eyeliner, not much pain during the process but my eyes felt puffy and raw the next day. 

Overall, I'm still very happy with the eyeliner, my eyes look much bigger and I look more awake now. ;) 

Saturday, December 14, 2013


It felt so good to finally get it out and talk about it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

An adventure

My first time to Norway and within a short span of few days, so many things happened. 

Day 1 - my connecting flight got delayed, then to my horror, my luggage did not arrived together with me. And the airport staff could not tell us when the luggage will arrive.

For the first time, I had to use soap as a facial cleanser and nothing to apply on my face. My god! 

I almost lost my mood to your ard Bergen but the scenery just took my breath away. 

Day 2 - still no sight of luggage and we had to depart for our Norway in a nutshell trip to Oslo. What the heck, we just need to treat this as an adventure and we can only hope that luggage will go Oslo. Meanwhile, my phone batt is dying and we had no charger. Lucky I still had my camera to capture the beautiful scenery.  And for the first time, I saw falling snow! Such a pretty sight. And it became a common sigh througthout the day at every stop. 

The min we reached Oslo, I thought I'll be dead if I don't get my luggage, the air was so much colder! We received a SMS that our luggage were found and is currently arranging delivery. Sigh...hotel told us that luggage still not here. I dread the thought of having to change into same set of clothes after bathing. 

Just after my shower, hotel informed us that our luggage are here! So damn happy that I can finally change into something new!  And most importantly so relieved that I have my lappy otherwise I'm going I have difficult explaining to my boss for Tuesday meeting. :) 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Back in Saigon City

It's been 6 or 7 years since I've come to Ho Chi Minh City. I prefers to call it Saigon though. 

So much have changed. There are more cars on the road, less honking, more shopping malls. The only thing that remains the same is the traffic. Cars and motorbikes are still driving all over.

It was a relaxing day today. We just eat and walk around the entire day. Best part is the shisha after dinner. The shisha here is so much better than the one in Singapore. And they are so creative, it's not in the normal shisha container or whatever you call it. Love it! Don't mind having it again tomorrow night. :)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bed bound for 24hr

My first time staying in hospital and I totally hate the feeling. 

I was told to lie on my back for 24 hr.  Such misery, need to use a bed pan when I need to relieve myself, people to pour drinks for me and do nothing but sleep the entire time. 

Now I can totally understand what my dad went through - the boredom of just sitting and lying in the hospital bed for majority of the time, needles poking from your hands such that your movement is restricted, constant taking of  blood pressure, temp etc throughout the night.

Only one night and I've had enough. My dad went through it for more than a month! 

Monday, October 07, 2013

Bagful of surprise

Received my package from drugstore today. So surprised when I opened the free bag that came with it. It's full of beauty product samples! 

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Moving on

It's been slightly over two weeks since papa has passed away.

Things are also kinda back to normal. I think it has been rather easy with renovation work going on almost every weekend and lots of cleaning that kept us occupied and tired.  What a shame that papa can't get to see the nice bathroom and kitchen. 

At times though, I would still feel sad when I think of papa and shed a few tears. I can never forget the look on his face when he was awake in the ICU.

The only regret I had was not bringing him home.  

Papa, I hope you are in a better place now. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


As the clock started ticking down, I started to feel a bit more scared. I can hear the second hand on the clock, the night is so quiet. 

I should go to sleep but yet I can't. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

It never rains but it pours

Why does everything always happen at the same time?

It's been more than a month since I came back from my holiday in Sydney and there has not been a day that is not filled with activities.

This 2 weeks is even worse. House reno, hospital and work is taking up all my time.

Work is also piling up what with 2 back-to-back events next week, merger official this week is already driving me nuts. And my new boss is putting me in charge of more projects for the one DNV celebration and other stuff. 

And today we almost had a scare, papa went through the talc pleurodesis and he was feeling uncomfortable and started talking negative stuff again. It's almost like a déjà vu of the second time he did the blood pleurodesis. Luckily everything is fine, oxygen level all ok. 

24hrs in a day does not seem sufficient at all! I prob need 36 hrs a day!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First day of hell

Survived first day of hell. Yay!!!

I was so tired that I actually slept thru part of the drilling. Hahaha...

The house is in total mess. So dusty and messy everywhere.  Thank god I can sleep with mum. Otherwise not sure what I gonna do man. 

Luckily the portable toilet and bath has hot water. I took my first bath tonight using the portable. It's cramp and the hot water either runs too hot or cold but heck, beggars can't be chooser. 

My poor Kayla has to be confined to mum's room for the next 9 days though, too dirty for her to be running outside. 

Nightmare has begun

The next 10 days of nightmare has begun.

Too many things happening for the next 2 weeks - reno, work, dad still in hospital. 

I need lots of luck and strength to go thru this period!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Today Dr Choo spoke to me and my sis.  

He told us that both he and Dr Chua decided to leave the tube in and let it drain for now. Even though Dr Agastian suggests that Papa go through the Pleurodesis again, they would like to give Papa a rest, start him on some exercise to build up his body before they decide on the procedure again. 

He then spoke to us about the future. That Papa's lungs will only get worse in future and if ever the day comes when his lungs are totally damaged and has to be totally dependent on machine and might be suffering, what are our plans?

To continue to let him be on the machine even if it might not be helping him and or will we listen to the doctor's advice on the best course of action? 

I guess this is something that we need to discuss among my sis and bro and even my mum. I'm not sure what would be the best decision if we ever comes to that, but I know what I would want if it ever happens to me. 

Personally if ever I am in a coma and is dependent on the machine to survive, I would ask for them to pull the plug and stop the suffering for them as well as for me.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Third time's the charm

Just received the call from Dr Chua that they will be doing the third blood pleurodesis today. 

 I really really hope that it will be successful this time round. It has been way too long and I'm worried for my dad.  

Please let him be strong willed enough to go through this.

Friday, August 02, 2013

An adventurous day

Today has gotta be the most interesting of my trip in Sydney. 

We went up to Blue Mountains and it was freezing!  But we finally got to see the Three Sisters.

We then took a long drive to Jenolan Caves. I tried to sleep in the car along the way to the caves, my god, when I woke up, we were on this windy road going down the mountain. Reminds me of Taiwan when we were driving to Taroko Gouge. 

But the cave was spectacular. And John went on the cave tour with us. I was impressed with him, I was worried that he might not be able to do it but he did! 

The adventure started when we left the cave and started on the windy road back up. Shortly after we started, his car got a puncture. We had to stop by the side of the road to change tyre.  But it turned out that he doesn't have a jack in his car. We had to wait for a car to drive by and it was not a road that has a lot of traffic. Thank god a mini bus stopped but his jack is different. We stopped another car which happened to be the American couple who were in the cave tour with us.  They were not very nice, they said they don't have and drove off. Come on! They have a rented car and should have a jack. So unhelpful.  Luckily another car stopped and we managed to borrow the jack and changed the tyre.

And so we went on our way back to Sydney.  It was a rather scary ride back especially towards the end. 

We could see that John was tired but he refused to let Jeff drive. He became more reckless and for the first time, I actually fear for my life and couldn't wait to get home. I was so glad when we finally pulled up into his driveway coz even along the small road, he was driving so fast.

Thank god, there's only one more day left and we will be going out on our own tomorrow without taking the car.  I really can't take his driving anymore, especially long distance. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

The cause


I always thought that the fall I had that caused the stitches on my forehead was due to my brother. Turn out that I was so wrong. And perhaps it makes more sense about what the master said.

Apparently when I was around 2 or 3 years old, my dad was carrying me to play around the tomb area behind our old place. Dunno why but I fell and hit my forehead on the tomb. I was bleeding and crying non-stop so my parents quickly sent me to the hospital. 

I was a little spooked when I heard about it. And I was thinking perhaps that's why the spirit saved me. 

Now I'm just curious to find out how things are when we go back to the master after returning from sydney. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I can't believe this happens to me

Ever since my sis told me the master said there's something wrong with my name and asked me to be extremely careful, I've been filled with lots of questions and was feeling a bit paranoid.

So this morning when my sis told me we can go see the master tonight, I immediately said yes. 

When we reached the temple and was waiting for the master, I kept wondering what would he say but I never imagined it would be like this.

I was glad when he told me there's nothing wrong with my name and there's no need to change it. Then he pointed his hands towards sis and me and i have totally no idea what he was trying to say! He also asked me to look at the picture of the Buddha on his table but I have no clue what I should be seeing. 

Apparently my sis can see the diff but not me!

However I was taken by surprise when he asked me if I got into any serious accident when I was young.  The only one I knew was the fall which required stitching on my forehead.

He then began to explained that a spirit actually saved me when I had the accident or else I would not have survived. And that's also the problem as the spirit is not able to reincarnate and thus has to follow me.  And it has possessed my body. He further explained that because of this, I can be fickle minded because there's two mind thinking. And while it did not harm me, sometimes it will 'disturb' me. Which explain the bruises I get sometimes for no reason. 

He told me to go to another temple to pray so that the spirit can be reincarnated. We immediately decided to go to the chenghuang temple so that we can settle this once and for all. We were super lucky as just when we finished praying, it's also time for the temple to close. I was tired by the time I got home man. 

I'm not exactly sure how this will end but I'm supposed to go back to him for another consult 10 days after doing as he instructed.

Do I believe it or not? I'm not exactly sure but I do know that there's no harm doing whatever is needed so long as its supposed to be good for me. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

What a woman should be

女人一定要有钱 , 情妇也会输给你。有一位女性 , 她的父亲曾教她如何当一个女人。她被父亲带到高级俱乐部 , 去看那些女人如何和她的父亲相处。後来 , 她结婚了 , 他的另一半没有情妇 , 只有她一个女人。她学了什么? 她学会了如何打高尔夫 , 如何评监美酒 ; 她学会了温柔聆听 , 学会了表达自己的意见 ; 她学会了摄影 , 学会了舞蹈 ; 她学会让自己高贵美丽 , 学会经营自己的事业。她不取悦男人 , 但男人喜欢她 ; 她不是情妇 , 却叫人难忘。 

 1. 永远不要让任何一个男人成为你生命的全部 , 要懂得投入越多失去越多的道理。 

 2. 不要为任何男人放弃自己的个性 , 其实并不是你迁就他 , 就可以让他觉得你多好 , 恰恰相反 , 男人更喜欢有自己个性的女人。 

3. 千万不可以为了爱情放弃事业。很简单 , 选择爱情 , 一旦爱情没有了 , 你就什么都没有了 ; 选择事业 , 即使爱情没有了 , 可是你还有本事赚钱养活自己 , 还有属于自己的生活。 

4. 不要企图依附男人生活 , 没有人会对寄生虫保持永远的热情。 

5. 不要在生活的细节上计较那么多 , 要知道 , 大部分男人是孩子 , 需要你的照顾。

6. 不要在发现你的爱情没有爱了的时候还固执的坚持 , 有时候 , 放手 , 不光是给他自由 , 还是给自己一条生路。 

7. 不要认为谁离开谁就活不下去 , 要知道 , 你的生命来自父母 , 除了他们 , 没有任何人值得你付出生命的代价 , 而你的父母只会希望你快乐平安。 

8. 不要为任何人打扮自己或把自己搞得不修边幅 , 要每天都把自己装扮的干干净净漂漂亮亮 , 美丽 , 只为自己。 

9. 不要总是用眼泪去打动去挽留 , 有时侯你的眼泪适得其反 , 微笑 , 一定要自信的微笑着面对一切。 

 10. 不要看低自己 , 每个人都有自己的优秀 , 他不懂珍惜 , 就找懂珍惜你的 ; 他不会欣赏 , 就找会欣赏你的 , 错过这一站 , 因为最好的那个在下一站等你。 

11. 女人 ~ 能靠谁呢? 人心会随着时间去改变 , 所以女人该懂得 : 靠山山会倒、靠水水会流、靠人不如靠己。 为自己的青春买单、为自己的幸福买单! 加油吧 , 魅力女人 ~

Monday, July 01, 2013

July will be a better month

Omg, June has got to be the worst month I've ever had in my life. Everything that can go wrong just went totally wrong.

Organizing the family day has to be my worst nightmare!

First the rooming that caused me the the greatest stress.  I made so many apologies for every god damn thing that I can almost do a template out of it.  And just when I thought the rooms were resolved, the haze hit singapore and Malaysia.  I never would have imagined the problems it caused me, definitely not the fact that we might possibly cancel the entire event. By the time the event came, I was totally not looking forward to going Desaru. 

And while i was busy trying to organize the family, they have to decide to do the groundbreaking for the new lab in the week after family day.  The groundbreaking ceremony was another nightmare.  It was super trying to organize a groundbreaking with less than 2 weeks notice.  

I never felt so tired even when i had multiple projects going on back in DHL. The most important I realized is that this company has no good support. Besides my team, the rest of the people just care about their own work. No team work at all.

Thank goodness that everything turned out fine in the end. No major hiccups for both events. And there was a tiny bit of silver lining I saw which kept my spirits up. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Life still goes on even with the haze

Yes I know the haze situation is one of the worse this year. And yes, it hit a high of 371 which is hazardous.

But is there a need for everyone to post about it on FB day after day?

I don't even have desire to go into FB as almost every post is about the haze. 

People, don't you have better things to do than to talk about haze all the time? This is not something within our control. 
Life still goes on irregardless so just get on with your life and hope that we get fresher air soon. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How much worser can it get

This family day seems to be doomed!

First rooming which is finally resolved.
Now the haze is causing me headache again! 

I might need to re-plan the entire program now. 

I just can't wait for the weekend to be over and done with! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Myriads of feelings

I can't sleep last night, so many feelings all coming  over me at the same time. 

Excited and happy in what I heard
Uncertainty and shy in what my next step to take
Fear of losing this chance if I don't grab it
Worry about the future 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Every cloud has a silver lining or not

Today turned out to be the most shitty day I have had this year.

Early in the morning, I received a call from the resort telling me that they do not have enough 1 br for my group. Out of like 120, they only have max of 25 1br available for me.

I was left trying to re-adjust the rooming list and asked people if they can share rooms. More bad news came in the afternoon when they said their 2br are running low too. I was almost on the verge of despair.

I felt worse when in my urgency when I sent out the list to the staff asking them for help if they mind sharing room, I forgot to delete away the personal information. Received feedback from fellow colleagues. Even though they did not bash me, I felt bad though. 

I admit that it was partially my fault for not confirming with them on the number of rooms blocked for each category.

I finally thought of a solution and all I hope is that it will work out just fine in terms of the rooming and that the resort can also helped in terms of costing.

Keeping my fingers crossed and hope that 明天会更好. 

Never will I want to be in family day committee anymore! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Looking forward to Sundown

My Oslo trip is cancelled! Surprising I didn't feel disappointed, I was actually glad. 

And the good news is I can now go for my sundown run. :)

Mervin brought over my race pack today, I must say this t-shirt this year is much more cheerful looking than the previous ones.

Right now I just hope that I don't fall sick and run a good time on Friday or rather Sat morning. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Not a good day at all today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post Holiday Blues

I can never understand why people always say they feel rejuvenated and are raring to go back to work after a holiday. I feel completely opposite whenever I come back from a holiday. I DREAD going back to work.

I thought that perhaps that's because I might have done too many activities during my holiday and thus not enough rest.  However, I did nothing during my latest 1 week holiday and I came back feeling worse.
For the first 2 days, I really need to push myself hard emotionally to get back into work mode. 

The only thing I can do is start planning for my next vacation so that I have something to look forward to.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Born to be a slave

Sometimes I feel like I'm born to be a slave and to repay whatever debts i have in my previous life.

Every time when I feel that things are going smooth, something always come up.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Latest addiction

I think I'm addicted to the maple fruits and nuts granola from Starbucks. I've been buying a packet of that almost everyday.

The barista said its good for stomach digestion, hers took effect in half hour. I don't think I've experienced the same but I just can't help eating the crunchy granola.

My Favorite Ovaltine Biscuit

I first discovered this in BKK and I have been addicted to it ever since. I remember that I would buy boxes of them back whenever I go to Bangkok or get Guat to help me buy back whenever she comes back to Singapore. Until I found that supermarket in Singapore has started selling them.

Recently I found them in Candy Empire as well. Naturally I bought a pack to try especially when I saw that this was made in Switzerland.

I made the right choice! This one from Candy Empire is soooo different front those made in Thailand. It's less sweet and more creamy. Super yummy!!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Desaru - not as bad as I thought

Went for site inspection to Desaru yesterday. I've heard so many comments from people who been there that's its very rundown. Perhaps it's be because of these negative feedback that I went there with very low expectation. And I was pleasantly surprised, it's not as bad as I imagined.

The first resort - Lotus was better than Pasir Ris chalet although I didn't like their buildings where the rooms are, they look a bit like our HDB flats. Beach is not dirty but rather comparable to our East Coast beach. The rooms were huge, all come with small kitchenette and living room. There seems to be much more activities for kids especially in Lotus.

The second resort - Pulai is modern and look more classy. I would have chosen to stay here if not for the fact that there's not much facilities available in Pulai.

Looks like our Family Day is likely to be at Lotus instead. Not my first choice but I have to think for the group and not myself.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chiang Mai - Day One

My first time to Chiang Mai and its for a site inspection. The minute we arrived, we were in for a packed day.

We checked out the temple which was not very impressive to me.

I was wowed by the hotel though. The Mandarin Oriental is beautiful and huge. The entry room itself is a suite. Big bedroom, big bathroom, big balcony and there's even a jacuzzi tub!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

What is CNY without gambling

Chinese New Year never feels like CNY without indulging in a bit of gambling. This is also the only period where gambling is kinda 'legal'. Although I have no 横财运, I still cannot resist playing mahjong or cards. After all, these games are good for your brain...exercising them with maths and strategy.

Have spent the past 2 nights playing Big 2. Lost some and won some. Next week 再战大老二!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Tonight was our annual class gathering...CNY period is the only time we gather coz Mark is back during CNY.

It was fun to catch up with everyone, update each other and reminisce the old days.

Till the next CNY...

Friday, February 08, 2013

'Lucky me'

How lucky can I get? I seems to kena stones falling onto my car all the time.

Today was the worse of all, was driving on aye to Clementi Mall during lunch when I heard glass breaking sound on my windscreen.

I was prepared for the worse when I got off the car in the car park to inspect the damage. The break is actually very mild and surface only but the crack is super obvious and ugly. 😞

I was upset as its only 2 days to CNY! Hope that this bad luck is for this year and won't go into the next year!

Not sure if I would need to replace the windscreen, will need expert advice.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Enough is enough

When are they going to stop talking about the government's plan to increase population growth? I'm getting so sick of reading every headline in papers, online, FB that says 6.9 million population!

After reading all the views and reports, there are points that I agree with and I don't agree with. My personal take:
  • Increase in foreign worker - it is probably needed as no singaporeans are willing to do the dirty work of construction, plus pay is not great.
  • Please fix the infrastructure and transportation system. The system now is not even able to support our current population. If you can get it fixed, you can go ahead and have population growth.
  • Are we setting our ambitions too high for 6.9 million?  Singapore is only a small island and we are scarce in land. Even though the govenment assures that we have room but at what price?  We will lose not only green areas where people can enjoy, home size will probably become even smaller and housing will be made even more expensive by those bloodsucker developers
In any case, whether we agree or disagree, will the government change its mind???  I think I already know what's the verdict on this.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

My mani and pedi for CNY

Went to did my mani and pedi today. It's freaking expensive...$117...faintz

Worse still, it's so disappointing, I only did basic glitter nail art but it didn't meet my expectations. And my pedi is already chipped! Now I felt the Holland one was even better than this.

Really need to find a good nail salon soon.


I'm obsessed with Candy Crush Saga. I can't help myself, the game is super addictive!

It has been keeping me up long after my bed time...switching playing between my 2 phones and waiting for friends to send me more lives so that I can advance.

And now my wait has paid off. I'm off to continue with my game!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

CNY goodies

Woohoo...CNY gifts from the company.

Shopping vouchers, Ang pow and Ang kum. Not sure what's the logic with giving shopping vouchers and Ang pow but I'm not complaining. :)

Monday, February 04, 2013

Stay happy

Today is 立春 and I'm supposed to stay happy, wear red and deposit money. This will ensure that the rest of the year will be a happy one with lots of money coming in.

I can feel it, today's gonna be a good good day!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Look what I found

Was helping mum to clear her drawer and found my kindergarten report card!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Received the Dermagic essential kit at last. Have been applying the lotion on Kayla for the past 2 days.

The lotion smells weird, like sulphur, Hopefully can see the results in a week, so that the smell is worth it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

'New' shoe cabinet - DIY

Since it doesn't make sense to buy a new shoe cabinet as our old one is still in good condition even though we really hate the design. My sis came up with a genius idea, pasting wall paper over it so that it look refreshed.

And that's what me and my bro-in-law did today.

Tough job but we were really happy with the result, even my parents said it looked nice. :)

Here's our 'new' shoe cabinet!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

HCF for Kayla

I've decided to try out HCF for Kayla since her skin condition has been taking a turn for the worse. I've tried many things...change her dog food, applying aloe vera, 'snake powder' and still she scratches and she has been losing more hair around her neck.

She loves the new food, every time I was getting ready to steam her food, she was impatient and kept jumping around in the kitchen.

Here's what I've been preparing for her for the past 3 days. Will try and mix some different meat and veggies this weekend. Hopefully her skin will improve. *fingers crossed*

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Damn...recovered last week but falling sick once again.
Itchy throat, sniffling and feverish feeling all at the same time.
What's worse, I have an event tonight, die die also must 'tong' all the way till event end.

Please give me strength to last through the day!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Gelish mani from Skin Repair

I finally remember to make appointment for my manicure which I bought online. I was lucky that they can actually slot me in for today after work although I had to leave work slightly earlier.

I decided to try out this manicure since its located in Holland which is super near my office. When I arrived, I found that Skin Repairs is not purely a nail parlor but rather their main business is facial.

My manicurist was a very nice lady although I didn't think she's very skillful.
And naturally they tried to talk me into signing up package with them. I didn't as I found their colors selection to be rather limited and they are not very creative with their nail designs.

Now I'm frantically to look for a place where I can do my manicure before CNY!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jan boys' birthday dinner

The first of monthly birthday dinners for the next six months. I still dunno why so many of my friends are born between Jan and June.

We went to try out a new place - Chui Xiang Kitchen for the birthday boys, mike and PT. The food was not bad and I might consider coming for reunion dinner with my family.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

JB day trip

I went to JB with no expectation of buying anything and ended with a pair of shoes, 5 bras and 2 dresses! And I told myself I am not going to buy anymore bras. But how can I resist buying when they had 2 pairs going for RM100!

Anyways, we decided to have jap food today for a change. We didn't go to the one Sheng Yee recommend as we saw that it was quiet. So we went to one that's a few shops away.

What a satisfying meal it was...shabu shabu, softshell crabs, curry rice, tempura and teriyaki chicken set. The cost - RM160+.

Friday, January 11, 2013


After 22 years, my piano is finally gone. I felt a bit sad but happy as well since I never play it anymore.

The men were so fast in removing the was out in less than 30 minutes!

It felt a bit weird to see a big empty area where the piano used to stand.

I hope they can restore or make use of my piano and sell it off to someone else more worthy.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

New toys

So excited to get my hands on my new gadgets today. Can't wait to try them out.