Monday, October 20, 2014

Solo trip in Europe - day four in Copenhagen

Last day in Copenhagen. I woke up to the rain. 

Decided to go out and walk around the neighborhood. Can't stand the rain so ended up having a cuppa to chillax.

I live their cafés, even their decor is so chic and cosy. I'm definitely in love with Scandinavian design. ❤️

After the coffee, went back to the apartment where it's warm and toasty. 

I finally talked to my host. She's really friendly and this apartment here is more than 100 years old. Wow! Since she moved in 2 years ago, she has been doing up the house all my herself little by little. 

Finally time to leave Copenhagen. Definitely glad to leave the rain behind! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Solo trip in Europe part 2 - day three in Copenhagen

Today is castles day. I set out in the morning to the first castle - Kronborg Castle. 

Located by the seaside, the place is damn windy, I was freezing when I was walking there. I regretted not wearing my down jacket instead. 

Unfortunately, the castle was not open when I arrived. I learnt one thing - everything in Copenhagen open late, even the tourist attractions. Everything either opens at 10 or 11 and closes at 4 or 5pm.  Anyway, I walked around the castle ground and took some pictures.

After Kronborg, I proceeded to Frederiksborg Castle. I couldn't see the castle from train station. But the first time I saw the castle, it took my breath away. The castle is way more beautiful than Kronborg. 

Of course these two castles cannot compare to the Neuschwanstein castle which simply looks so fairy tale.  But Frederiksborg looks really pretty too. And the town is also very charming. It was a pleasant walk to the castle. I finally tried the hot dog. Hmm...Jac said the hot dog in copenhagen is one of the best. I beg to differ though, I felt the ones I had in Stockholm tasted much better.

After the castle, I headed back to the main city where I went on to take the canal tour. Yawn, the canal tour is damn boring and I was freezing to death. 

Last destination of the day - Tivoli. The place is packed with families with kids. After all, it's an amusement park for kids. The whole park is currently decked out in Halloween decor, lots of pumpkins all over the place. 

Solo trip in Europe Part 2 - Day two in Copenhagen

Thank god my leg is ok again, no more knee pain. Yay!

The weather is dreadful today. It kept raining. Lucky I had my umbrella with me. I decided to go to Christianhavn today to see the Freetown Christiania.

Nothing much to see actually, just a small part in Copenhagen. Though I can see lots of men smoking marijuana in the morning! I can actually smell it in the air. 
There are three rules when you enter the main district where people smoke. No photo, no running and have fun. 

The sign you see when you leave the small community of Christiania.

After Christianhavn, it's shopping time!
I went to Stroget, the main shopping stretch. Such a disappointment. Everything is so expensive! Even the H&M. I had better luck buying stuff from Stockholm. The most time I spent is in Lego shop. 

I decided to visit Normann. Big mistake. I thought I read that the shop is in Osterport but my gps showed me another place which is rather far away. I decided to follow the gps which turned out to be a mistake. There was no Normann shop there and I ended up along so much for nothing. 

Not wanting to further aggravate my legs, I decided to give up. I went back to my apartment and rest before meeting Jac for dinner.

The restaurant, Madklubben, Jac had made reservation is only less than 10 mins walk away. The place is packed. Lucky it's not too expensive, the price is 100, 150, 200 or 250 depending on the number of course you choose. 

I had a great time catching up with Jac and the food is good. Jac gave me a few recommendations which I planned to try tomorrow. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Solo trip in Europe Part 2 - Day one in Copenhagen

Yet another solo trip. Arrived Copenhagen super early in the morning around 6:30am. Taking the train was really easy. This time round I remember to use my GPS and I was lucky as it was also raining.  Kinda of dejavu.

This is my first time trying AirBNB and I was lucky to find a host who have no problem for me to check in early.  

IThe room look exactly the same as pictures. Room was big and bright and the whole flat looks really cosy.

My host Lotta seems alright. She's a Korean who has been adopted since young. After freshening up, I went out. I was kinda feeling miserable as the rain kept getting heavier and my jacket was rather soaked through. In the end I went to the HC Andersen fairy tale house to get some warmth before the start of the walking tour. The place was really interesting.

I decided to buy an umbrella for the walking tour as I have no wish to get anymore wetter. Once we start the walking tour, the rain stopped. Damn! 

The whole tour took around 3 hours and we went to many places. I met two friends, one from Texas and one from Singapore who happen to know my colleague! Both were on sabbatical traveling around for 2 and 4 months. So shiok! 

After the walking your, I decided to go to the Acne Archive outlet. I lost my way and ended up walking a lot. Turned out to be such an waste of time since the outlet has nothing interesting. Bleh.

On my way back, I suddenly realized that my knee joint hurts whenever I go up or down the stairs. Shit, I hope it can recover after a night's rest. Today is only the first day and I have many more days to go. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Solo Trip in Europe: Stockholm - Part 1

I've taken a solo trip before but it was to Phuket and so different from this time.

I've done quite a fair bit of research for the trip but once you arrived at the place, you can feel a bit lost.

I was lucky I started my journey from Oslo. At least I'm rather familiar with it now being here twice before. However, the first thing I did when I arrived in Oslo was to check out where the bus terminal was and to buy the bus ticket. 

And so, my trip started when I took the bus from Oslo to Stockholm. Since I already recee the place a few days before, I knew where I was going and was rather confident.

I was expecting comfortable bus like the ones I've taken before from Singapore to KL. When I got onto the bus, I realized I was so wrong, it was like their normal bus. I was planning to sleep on the journey, the purpose of taking an overnight bus. Seat is not too comfy, how am I going to survive the night? 

And the bus is not direct, making a few stops along the way. I tried to sleep but kept waking up because of people alighting and boarding and I wanted to stay alert since I'm alone. 

After almost 8 hours, the bus arrived in Stockholm bus terminal. After I got my luggage, I was thinking shit, which direction should I go? I don't want to appear lost and be a target. So I ended up going into the terminal to ask for direction. I got a general direction and started pulling my luggage along. After walking down 2 streets, I was starting to feel cold and it started drizzling. I started wondering if I might be heading the wrong way since I remembered distinctly that the hotel should be nearer to the terminal. I remembered too late that I can use my phone GPS! How stupid of me!

I found the hotel but the door can't open. Thank god there was a lady smoking outside who offered to use her card to open the door for me. I was super cold and miserable by then.  I was so thankful for the warmth in the hotel. 

Unfortunately I can't check in yet till afternoon. So I left my luggage at the hotel and went out, changing to my warmer jacket. 

I decided to walk to old town but somehow I kept walking and saw durgarden and decided to head there instead. It was probably a mistake, it was a damn far walk and before I got to the bridge that leads to durgarden, it started raining again and I was feeling super super cold and there was no shelter at all along the way. I saw a glimmer of hope when I spotted a cafe right after the bridge, even if it's not open, there is at least sheltered tables where I can sit down and rest my legs. There were people in the cafe! I went in and the staff said they were not really open yet but could get me a coffee. Thank god! A warm drink and a warm place to sit down.  I decided that I'm going to take my time drinking since most venues are not opened till around 10 and it was only 8:30am and still raining. No way am I going out walking in the rain again. 

I managed to get my Stockholm card from the tourist information in the cafe. And I tried to map out the rest of my day so that I can make full use of the card. 

Shortly before 10, the rain became light drizzle and I thought not to waste time and walk to the garden first before going to the museums. I think I walked wrong direction and ended up walking up and down but passed this nice little garden. 

A pretty garden I happened to came across

Haiz, so I ended gg to the Vassa Museet first. It was rather interesting to see the old vessel. Next, I headed to Nordiska Museet which was alright. 

Nordiska Museet

By now, my legs were aching and I was hungry so decided to walk to the food market as recommended. 

More walking, around 15 minutes and I finally got to the Saluhall. I walked around trying to find out what to eat. Finally found a place where they served meatballs! The lemon drink which came free was super nice too. 

I decided to walk back to the hotel to see  if I can check in. More walking again! And  I saw a group of people who seemed to be protesting. Interesting.

Is this a protest?  

After dunno walking for how long, I finally got to the hotel. Lucky they said my room is ready. Hehe...the lift reminded me of the lift in Nic and Shennie's home.

Woah, the hotel room here is damn small, just a small single bed, a little table and that's it. Super basic but can't complain since it has a private bathroom. Guess the hotels here are expensive and small. There's no kettle in the room and you need to pay for hot water! Damn, and I thought I can eat my instant noodle here. 

After resting for a bit, I headed out to the old town again. More walking, I think my legs were gonna break. The old town is rather quaint, reminded me of the place in Seville.  Since I was there, being the smart aleck and trying to maximize my stockholm card, I decided to walk to Sodermalm and visit the Fotografiska.  

Gamla Stan - old town in Stockholm. Very quaint and nice to stroll along.

I was so thankful when I finally got back to my room. End of day one! Yay!  And I made arrangement to meet Sara the next day. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Solo Trip to Europe: Munich - Part 5

Today is shopping day.

Slightly before 9, I made my way to Sofitel where I'm supposed to take the bus to ingolstad. 

The bus was quite nice and we even passed by BMW welt to pick up more people. The place is huge and I was so tempted to go there to take a look. 

When we got to ingolstad, the information told me that Audi museum is not really that near and I would need to take a taxi. I decided to forgo that and I started shopping. 

The WMF is damn cheap here! So is Birkenstock but they are so ugly.  It took me less than 2 hrs to finish shopping and the bus is only picking us up at 3:30pm.

Lucky the weather is sunny today, I had coffee and my ciggie outside to kill time. 

I think I might not have bought so much if I didn't have so much time, I just went into almost all the shops just to see see look look. 

Finally the bus came and we got back to Munich by around 5pm. I bought some food and went back to the hotel to drop off my stuff and became too lazy to go out again. 

So I ended up packing my luggage. Lucky I brought along an additional bag otherwise I won't have enough space in my luggage. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Solo Trip to Europe: Munich - Part 4

The plaster is a miracle! I woke up this morning and I can move my toe without feeling much pain. It felt less swollen too. Thank god as I need to walk a bit today to the Neuschwanstein castle.

I set off for the train station early as I wanted to catch the 8:53am train. Went to the counter to buy my ticket and got all the direction I needed. The only thing I need to do before boarding the train is to validate my ticket. I have less than 10 min to do so and I was trying frantically to find where I can validate the ticket. After asking several times, I finally found it. It was just a small machine while I was expecting someone with a manned counter. 

I got onto the train and It seemed that there were a number of people on the train are also going to the castle from what I overheard.  I felt a bit unprepared as I don't have any map showing how many stops etc.  I prayed hard that the weather would be good since most part of the journey was raining. 

It was relatively easy though with the information I found on the internet. I saw this chinese guy and went to talk to him. Turned out he's from China. We were so awed when we saw the first sight of the castle from the bus. 

I could only booked the 1:25pm English tour. So much time to kill and it started raining again. I decided to go have a hot drink in the cafe to kill time.

When I was warm enough and the sun came out again, I went to walk around the town and finally took a rare photo of myself. 

I took the bus up to the castle. Lucky as the information stated that it will take around 45 min to walk up. No way am I gonna risk hurting my feet again. 
I got off the bus and went to the bridge where you get the best picture of the castle.  Can't wait to go up close. 

There's a bit more walking before reaching the castle and I practically run as it was really close to the tour time but I made it in time.

The tour took about 30 min and we got to see some of the castle such as the king'a bedroom, servant room, etc. It was beautiful, all the paintings and carvings. 

After the tour I made my way back Munich. One day gone just like that.

Tomorrow is the last day and I was wondering if I should go ingolstad village or BMW Welt. In the end I decided to go shopping instead and see if I can make it to Audi museum since it's also in ingolstad. Will leave BMW to next visit. 

Solo Trip in Europe: Munich - Part 3

My flight was very early and I missed the hotel breakfast. I thought I would buy the cinamon bun to eat on the train but no time.  Their cinamon bun is super duper nice, unlike the one I tried in Bergen which sucks.

The train was pretty fast though I panicked a bit when the announcement came that the train will be making 2 stops. How the hell do I know which one should I alight? Lucky there was a booklet in the train which tells you which terminals are located in which stop. 

Sometimes I really like the European airports, so self service. You go to the machines and print out your own boarding pass and luggage tags then proceed to drop your checked in baggage. No queue at all. The only queue is at the immigration check.

While waiting for the plane, I tried to look for cinamon bun again but my leg was so tired that I ended up eating their burger instead - Max Burger. Taste pretty good. 

When the plane was landing, I was so happy to see that it's bright and sunny in Munich. I had enough of grey and gloomy weather. 

Now I have to figure out the way to take the train to the main station. There is no manned counter to buy tickets and the machine seems to complicated.  I was at one of the machine trying to figure out a way to buy my ticket when this lady offered to give me her ticket which is still valid for the day as she's departing already. Woohoo, such a nice gesture. 

Once again, I felt lost when I got to the main station, which way should I go to get to the hotel?  I'm smarter this time though, so I used GPS to make my way to the hotel. 

The hotel took in Munich is so much nicer, bigger and there's a kettle! I can finally have my instant noodle, need to offload them to make space in my luggage. 

After resting a short while, I headed out. I decided to walk to Marienplatz. Since I've been resting my feet. I thought should be ok. Haiz, after a while, my toes was hurting a lot. But I persisted. So I just walked around and also found the market. So nice, so crowded and so much nice food. I love Munich!

The weather here is rather unpredictable though, one hour it's sunny, then it started raining for around 30 min and it stopped and became sunny again. 

By now, my feet really hurt, I desperately looked for a pharmacy so that I can buy nail cutter to cut open the blister. I bought a blister plaster (I think it is since it looked like the 3M one back in Singapore) and also found a nail cutter. 

After I got back to the hotel, I couldn't find the 水泡. So I just decided to stick the plaster. 

I started reading more about the castle which I planned to visit tomorrow. I decided to go on an earlier train to beat the crowd. Hopefully I won't get lost! 

Solo Trip in Europe: Stockholm - Part 2

I woke up feeling fresh and my legs felt better.  Lucky breakfast was provided in the hotel, selection wasn't great but not gonna complain since food is so expensive here.

My plans was to meet Sara at 1pm to watch the guard changing at the Royal Palace. As my stockholm card is valid till 10am. I decided to go to the Ericsson Sky View. 

My first view of the Sky View left me hesitating if I should take it or will it give me motion sickness? 

Ericsson Sky View

I was very nervous when it's time to go into the little capsule. I didn't dare to look up at all. Just kept looking outside. To my relief, it was actually ok. After I'm done with the ride, I took the train back to Gamla Sta and started walking again. 

I met up with Sara and we watched he guard changing. To be honest, it was not very interesting, a waste of time. The best thing was the sun actually came out for a short while!  We then decided to walk over to Sodermalm for lunch. My legs were aching again and I was glad to finally be able to sit down. 

By the time we finished lunch, it started raining again!  So we decided to fika. After fika, I headed back to hotel. I think I'm having a bad blister in my toe. 

The weather in Stockholm has been miserable and I was more than ready to leave. This place is even colder than Oslo even though the temp is higher. The constant rain just made the air much colder. 

The buildings here are much nicer though. And this city is more vibrant. The people in Oslo seems more cultured while the people in Stockholm look more funky. 

Ostermalm - the upscale district in Stockholm

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My own home

I finally bought a house of my own!  

I'm so excited that I've been looking at design ideas and thinking how to decorate the place up.

Can't wait to see it when it's ready next year! 

Saturday, February 01, 2014

CNY is soooo boring

CNY this year is super boring. We can't go house visiting and stayed home the entire day. 

Nothing to do at all! All we did was take lots of pic, selfies and play charades.

I'm dying to play daidee and MJ! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Something sweet for a change

My colleague brought me to her manicurist today.  I'm always at a loss on the design and color whenever I go for manicure. This time round I did some research beforehand to get a feel of what design I wanted. 

I'm very happy with the design and colors. So bright and sweet for a change. 

And the best thing is I only paid $78 for my gel mani and classic pedi, compared to the $100 over I paid last year. 

I already know what design I want for my next visit. :)

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I miss the pill

After being on the pill for around 3 years, I decided to go off the pill as I don't want to be over reliance on it. 

It's been almost a month since I stopped. And I realized a few things. First, my face seems to be more oily.  By afternoon, I can feel a sheen on my forehead especially, causing my fringe to look oily and as usual, I get breakout on my chin. 😱

Secondly, I feel super bloated during my PMS. Both Jac and Candice said my face looks rounder *gasp* even though I hardly ate much.  What's worse was this morning I wore my usual pants and it felt so tight! I feel so fat!!!! 

And I have yet to see the effect of my cellulite saying bye bye. So tempted to go back to the pill again. 😞 

I just hope I won't have as bad cramps as before! Keeping my fingers crossed!

If not, I might just go back to my little pink pills. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Arrowhead Chips aka Chiku

I never knew that Chiku fruits are available only once a year and that's during CNY period. 

On second thoughts, I realized that I only saw them on sale during CNY. No wonder it's so expensive.  I went online to research and found that you can actually plant this yourself. Hmm...maybe can ask my sis to try that for next year.

For now, I'm going to enjoy my tub of chikus. 

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Day one Borobudur

First holiday of 2014!

After arriving in Yogyarkarta, we took a 2 hr ride to Borobudur. Our hotel Rumah Boedi was located in ulu part of Borobudur, it was lovely though, surrounded by lots of greenery.

After nua-ing in our room for a while, we went to try to see the sunset from the paddy field which is abt 15 min walk away from the hotel. 

We didn't get to see the sunset as the sky was overcast but the weather was beautiful, so cooling and scenery was great. 

With our empty stomach calling, we decided to take the walk to the area near Borobudur for our dinner. Great choice as the food was cheap and delicious, esp the fish which was totally clean after we were done with it! 
After dinner, we had to walk ard 1km back to hotel. The road was pitch dark at some points and we had to use our torch in our camera. The people who saw us must be thinking we three gals are out of our mind! 

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Goodbye 2013

Goodbye 2013 - you have been an eventful year. 

A year of adventure and experiences. A year filled with lots of laughter but also of tears. 

A year of learning the importance of something I've always taken for granted and discovering the extend of my strength and vulnerability. 

I never believe in making new year resolutions and I don't plan to make any exception this year.